Helping Students Adopt a Growth Mindset and Maintaining a Growth Mindset Culture
Greetings Teachers and Administrators! In this, our last blog submission, we will focus on specific ways we can enhance our school-wide growth mindset at Cross Creek. Summary of Chapter Eight: Ricci outlines a sequence of learning for students as it relates to growth mindset in ten parts. I have whittled it down to four: *Basics of the brain (pages 97-122) *Intro to growth mindset terminology (pages 122-135) *Teaching optimism (pages 136-137) *Everyday growth mindset reminders within our school (pages 137-138) Instructions for both Veteran and Beginning Teachers: Read Chapter Nine in its entirety (pages 139-144). Click on blog "comments" to answer. Number your answer to correspond with the question.
I believe we must incorporate a growth mindset culture in our classes first and it will naturally impact the school as a whole. For this reason, periodic reminders from administration as well as colleagues will help improve growth mindset expectations. 3. Look at Figure 25 on page 142. Create one entry that is relevant to your subject a. Content area: b. Unit/book/resource/topic: c. Growth mindset or fixed mindset example? d. Additional information: 4. What is your greatest take-away thought on growth mindset as it relates to Cross Creek?