Description: An annotative bibliography includes works cited but also explains the content of the works.
Application: Use this tool to force students to find appropriate research sources.
Process: Teach students how to correctly format a bibliography, reviewing citation styles as needed. Underneath each citation, tell students to briefly explain the main points or the purpose of the work in a paragraph format. For an added challenge, direct them to add information such as bias, author’s methodology, and particular evidences from the work.
Description: An annotative bibliography includes works cited but also explains the content of the works.
Application: Use this tool to force students to find appropriate research sources.
Process: Teach students how to correctly format a bibliography, reviewing citation styles as needed. Underneath each citation, tell students to briefly explain the main points or the purpose of the work in a paragraph format. For an added challenge, direct them to add information such as bias, author’s methodology, and particular evidences from the work.
Reference and/or for more information:
10. Annotated Bibliography
10. Annotated Bibliography