12. STUDENT PEER EDIT (Feedback, Discussion, Writing)
Description: Peer Edit allows students to share their written work with fellow students for meaningful feedback and then to use the feedback to review, revise and improve their work.
Application: Use peer editing for written revision of work and as a soft skill builder (collaboration, advocacy, and/or perfecting the art of critique).
Process: Teach students the concept of constructive feedback and show positive/negative examples. Review the three steps to give peer feedback: Compliments, Suggestions, and Corrections. Use the Peer Edit Form (Addendum) to walk through the feedback process with students. Provide students with sentence starter templates, such as, “My favorite part was _________ because __________,” to guide students in offering different types of feedback. After they start with something positive, have students point out areas that could be improved in terms of content, style, voice, and clarity by using another sentence starter (“A suggestion I can offer for improvement is ___________.”). Assign a peer editor to mark spelling and grammar errors directly on the piece of writing.
Description: Peer Edit allows students to share their written work with fellow students for meaningful feedback and then to use the feedback to review, revise and improve their work.
Application: Use peer editing for written revision of work and as a soft skill builder (collaboration, advocacy, and/or perfecting the art of critique).
Process: Teach students the concept of constructive feedback and show positive/negative examples. Review the three steps to give peer feedback: Compliments, Suggestions, and Corrections. Use the Peer Edit Form (Addendum) to walk through the feedback process with students. Provide students with sentence starter templates, such as, “My favorite part was _________ because __________,” to guide students in offering different types of feedback. After they start with something positive, have students point out areas that could be improved in terms of content, style, voice, and clarity by using another sentence starter (“A suggestion I can offer for improvement is ___________.”). Assign a peer editor to mark spelling and grammar errors directly on the piece of writing.
Reference and/or for more information:
12. Student Peer Edit
12. Student Peer Edit