2. EXPERIENTIAL EXERCISE (Collaboration, Discussion, Reading)
Description: In this energizing activity, students act out a scene from a book, novel, or historical event.
Application: This protocol allows students to show their interpretation of a scene, reading, or event to others.
Process: Have students read from a specific source and, in groups, create a five to seven minute skit based on the reading. Assign the roles with scripts provided, encouraging prop use and directing each student to wear his character’s name card while acting out the scene. To add additional rigor to the protocol, pass out an index card with assigned role and allow student actors to write their own script. In order to guarantee that essential information is covered in the skit, provide guiding questions. When the group presents skit, give the “audience” a copy of the questions to answer as they view the skit. (Submitted by Janice Sutton)
Description: In this energizing activity, students act out a scene from a book, novel, or historical event.
Application: This protocol allows students to show their interpretation of a scene, reading, or event to others.
Process: Have students read from a specific source and, in groups, create a five to seven minute skit based on the reading. Assign the roles with scripts provided, encouraging prop use and directing each student to wear his character’s name card while acting out the scene. To add additional rigor to the protocol, pass out an index card with assigned role and allow student actors to write their own script. In order to guarantee that essential information is covered in the skit, provide guiding questions. When the group presents skit, give the “audience” a copy of the questions to answer as they view the skit. (Submitted by Janice Sutton)
2. Experiential Exercise
Submitted by Sutton, J. (2010). Experiential Exercise. Cross Creek Early College.
Submitted by Sutton, J. (2010). Experiential Exercise. Cross Creek Early College.