21. INTERACTIVE STORY (Collaboration, Feedback, Discussion)
Description: The Interactive Story protocol allows teachers to narrate a case scenario in the form of a story, stopping every three to eight minutes, to elicit student’s responses of what happened, why it happened, and what may happen next.
Application: This procedure is especially useful when the instructional content requires analysis of the situation, namely, identification of the basic cause or selection of the best solution.
Process: Create or find a story that requires systematic analysis. Group the students into teams of four or less telling them that they must pay attention to the details. Narrate the story and supply excess details to students so that they will have to separate critical information from irrelevant data. Stop the story at critical junctures and specify a task for all groups (such as identify the causes of the problem) to accomplish. At the end of the story, ask each group to summarize.
Description: The Interactive Story protocol allows teachers to narrate a case scenario in the form of a story, stopping every three to eight minutes, to elicit student’s responses of what happened, why it happened, and what may happen next.
Application: This procedure is especially useful when the instructional content requires analysis of the situation, namely, identification of the basic cause or selection of the best solution.
Process: Create or find a story that requires systematic analysis. Group the students into teams of four or less telling them that they must pay attention to the details. Narrate the story and supply excess details to students so that they will have to separate critical information from irrelevant data. Stop the story at critical junctures and specify a task for all groups (such as identify the causes of the problem) to accomplish. At the end of the story, ask each group to summarize.
Reference, and/or for more information:
Contact Edumentality if you know the original source of this protocol
Contact Edumentality if you know the original source of this protocol