21. THE NAME GAME (Questioning)
Description: The Name Game allows students to create questions in teams that can be used in any subject.
Application: Use at the end of a unit of study.
Process: At the end of a unit, course, or section of study, divide students into two teams, with at least five students in a team. Create team names that have equal letters (ex. Team O-R-A-N-G-E and Team P-U-R-P-L-E both have 6 letters in the names) and make one sheet of paper a letter. Set the letter sheets aside into two piles. On class day, put students into teams (Orange and Purple) and tell them to create at least two topic-relevant questions per person, one question per index file card. Keep the two teams’ questions separate. Pull out an orange question and ask the team purple to answer. (If they get the answer correct, hand the “P” sheet to the purple team.) Repeat the process except reverse team roles; orange answers a purple question. Remind students that if the team does not answer correctly, it does not get a letter and the team that gets all of the team letter sheets back first is the winner.
Description: The Name Game allows students to create questions in teams that can be used in any subject.
Application: Use at the end of a unit of study.
Process: At the end of a unit, course, or section of study, divide students into two teams, with at least five students in a team. Create team names that have equal letters (ex. Team O-R-A-N-G-E and Team P-U-R-P-L-E both have 6 letters in the names) and make one sheet of paper a letter. Set the letter sheets aside into two piles. On class day, put students into teams (Orange and Purple) and tell them to create at least two topic-relevant questions per person, one question per index file card. Keep the two teams’ questions separate. Pull out an orange question and ask the team purple to answer. (If they get the answer correct, hand the “P” sheet to the purple team.) Repeat the process except reverse team roles; orange answers a purple question. Remind students that if the team does not answer correctly, it does not get a letter and the team that gets all of the team letter sheets back first is the winner.
Reference, and/or for more information:
21. Name Game
Rivera, M. (2013). The Name Game. Cross Creek Early College.
21. Name Game
Rivera, M. (2013). The Name Game. Cross Creek Early College.