23. MATH TRAIN (Feedback, Discussion, Collaboration)
Description: K. Nowack’s “The Math Train” is an interactive math protocol that is self-checking, encourages student talk, can be differentiated, and keeps students actively engaged.
Application: Use this protocol as a practice activity.
Process: Prepare math problems for practice, one problem per card for each student. (If breaking the class into two groups, create two sets.) Make sure the problem’s solution is written on the back. Use math problems that will take students about the same amount of time to complete. Consider differentiating by giving quick workers more challenging problems or allowing students to choose pre-labeled (“easy,” “medium,” “hard”) level cards. On class day, arrange desks into two rows facing each other. Hand out a problem to each student, explaining that he will become the “expert” of that problem. Give students time to solve and tell them the answer is on the back to check their work. Direct students to trade problems with the person across from them and work the problems. Remind students that if they get stuck, they must ask the expert for help. At a predetermined time, direct them to give their problem back to the original owner. One row stands up and shifts in the same direction and the process are repeated until all possible partnerships have been completed.
Description: K. Nowack’s “The Math Train” is an interactive math protocol that is self-checking, encourages student talk, can be differentiated, and keeps students actively engaged.
Application: Use this protocol as a practice activity.
Process: Prepare math problems for practice, one problem per card for each student. (If breaking the class into two groups, create two sets.) Make sure the problem’s solution is written on the back. Use math problems that will take students about the same amount of time to complete. Consider differentiating by giving quick workers more challenging problems or allowing students to choose pre-labeled (“easy,” “medium,” “hard”) level cards. On class day, arrange desks into two rows facing each other. Hand out a problem to each student, explaining that he will become the “expert” of that problem. Give students time to solve and tell them the answer is on the back to check their work. Direct students to trade problems with the person across from them and work the problems. Remind students that if they get stuck, they must ask the expert for help. At a predetermined time, direct them to give their problem back to the original owner. One row stands up and shifts in the same direction and the process are repeated until all possible partnerships have been completed.
Reference and/or for more information:
23. Math Train
23. Math Train