25. ROLL AND RESPOND (Discussion, Writing)
Description: Roll and Respond is a game protocol by which students must answer questions and justify answers.
Application: This protocol can be used to ask a variety of questions including questions that extend a topic by providing new directions for further exploration.
Process: Hand out the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Pocket Guide (below). At the end of a unit or chapter, refer students to http://www.toolsforeducators.com/dice/make1_text.php for a blank die template. Tell them to use Bloom’s question stems to create two “Level One” questions, two “Level Two” questions, and two “Level Three” questions and create and construct the die. Once students make the die direct them to play the game. Randomly select one of the students’ created die. Review directions for game: Select one student per group if there is more than one group, to start. 1) Roll die. 2) Read question out loud and answer it. 3) The next person rolls the die and repeats the action. In the second round, if a student has already had the same question to answer, he passes on that question but rolls again. Encourage students to add to another person’s answer or provide an alternative answer.
Description: Roll and Respond is a game protocol by which students must answer questions and justify answers.
Application: This protocol can be used to ask a variety of questions including questions that extend a topic by providing new directions for further exploration.
Process: Hand out the Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Pocket Guide (below). At the end of a unit or chapter, refer students to http://www.toolsforeducators.com/dice/make1_text.php for a blank die template. Tell them to use Bloom’s question stems to create two “Level One” questions, two “Level Two” questions, and two “Level Three” questions and create and construct the die. Once students make the die direct them to play the game. Randomly select one of the students’ created die. Review directions for game: Select one student per group if there is more than one group, to start. 1) Roll die. 2) Read question out loud and answer it. 3) The next person rolls the die and repeats the action. In the second round, if a student has already had the same question to answer, he passes on that question but rolls again. Encourage students to add to another person’s answer or provide an alternative answer.
Reference and/or for more information:
25. Roll and Respond
25. Roll and Respond