26. GROUP INVESTIGATIONS (Reading, Collaboration, Writing)
Description: This protocol encourages students to read for meaning so that they can convey the most important parts to others.
Application: Use Group Investigations as a before or during reading technique.
Process: Find a reading that includes a main topic with supporting subtopics. Have poster paper at the ready. Form groups that correspond with the number of subtopics within the reading, minimum of two students and maximum of six. Emphasize that each student within the group should have a different subtopic. Be specific of the target time limit, but allow just enough time for reading and note-taking by group members. After time is called, hand out poster paper (Student who gets paper is the group writer.) and tell students to share their portion, in the order of the reading, with other group members. Call on groups to share with the entire class, reminding students that the group writer cannot be the group presenter.
Description: This protocol encourages students to read for meaning so that they can convey the most important parts to others.
Application: Use Group Investigations as a before or during reading technique.
Process: Find a reading that includes a main topic with supporting subtopics. Have poster paper at the ready. Form groups that correspond with the number of subtopics within the reading, minimum of two students and maximum of six. Emphasize that each student within the group should have a different subtopic. Be specific of the target time limit, but allow just enough time for reading and note-taking by group members. After time is called, hand out poster paper (Student who gets paper is the group writer.) and tell students to share their portion, in the order of the reading, with other group members. Call on groups to share with the entire class, reminding students that the group writer cannot be the group presenter.
Reference, and/or for more information
26. Group Investigations
26. Group Investigations