3. OPINION-PROOF (Reading, Writing)
Description: Opinion-Proof is a two column reading strategy that forces students to support an opinion with facts, evidence, or ideas found within a reading.
Application: Use as a pre-writing activity in language arts or social studies classes.
Process: Have a topic with corresponding reading in mind before class meets. On class day, assign reading and create a statement that requires a side to be taken. Tell students to draw a two column chart, labeling the first column “Opinion” and the second column “Proof.” Direct them to write the opinion statement in the first column and, in the second column, to bullet each supporting fact from the text, newspaper, story, or other source of content. To extend learning, require students to be prepared to use the chart as the basis for talking points in a debate, a persuasive essay, or an editorial.
Description: Opinion-Proof is a two column reading strategy that forces students to support an opinion with facts, evidence, or ideas found within a reading.
Application: Use as a pre-writing activity in language arts or social studies classes.
Process: Have a topic with corresponding reading in mind before class meets. On class day, assign reading and create a statement that requires a side to be taken. Tell students to draw a two column chart, labeling the first column “Opinion” and the second column “Proof.” Direct them to write the opinion statement in the first column and, in the second column, to bullet each supporting fact from the text, newspaper, story, or other source of content. To extend learning, require students to be prepared to use the chart as the basis for talking points in a debate, a persuasive essay, or an editorial.
Reference and/or for more information:
3. Opinion-Proof
3. Opinion-Proof