32. YOU’RE THE EXPERT! (Discussion, Writing, Collaboration)
Description: Students work in pairs to explain/review details of a topic.
Application: This is a great warm-up or wrap-up activity to review material.
Process: Place students in pairs. Designate each person in the pair as a “One” or “Two”. Explain to students that when their number is called, they are the ones who will be the “experts”, during which they explain the topic at hand to their partner. At the appointed time call out the other number. When that number is called, students pick up where their partners left off, continuing to explain the topic. As a follow up, have students write a summary of their discussion.
Julie Ridenour, CCECHS
Description: Students work in pairs to explain/review details of a topic.
Application: This is a great warm-up or wrap-up activity to review material.
Process: Place students in pairs. Designate each person in the pair as a “One” or “Two”. Explain to students that when their number is called, they are the ones who will be the “experts”, during which they explain the topic at hand to their partner. At the appointed time call out the other number. When that number is called, students pick up where their partners left off, continuing to explain the topic. As a follow up, have students write a summary of their discussion.
Julie Ridenour, CCECHS
Reference and/or for more information:
32. You’re the Expert!
Ridenour, J. (2012). You’re the Expert! Cross Creek Early College.
32. You’re the Expert!
Ridenour, J. (2012). You’re the Expert! Cross Creek Early College.