42. COMPETITIVE QUIZ (Questioning, Feedback)
Description: Attributed to Jack Maguire, the Competitive Quiz format combines elements of within-team cooperation, between-team competition, and random assignment of points to motivate students.
Application: Use this quiz format for informal assessments and reviews.
Process: Prior to class, make quiz questions based on the relevant topic. Have the questions and a die at the ready on class day. Assign one student as a scorekeeper. Divide students into two or more groups and tell each group to appoint a spokesperson. Ask the first team a quiz question; encourage students of the group to huddle, discuss, and be prepared to answer in fifteen seconds or less. Instruct the spokesperson to give the answer and roll the die to determine the points. Once the die has been rolled, announce if the answer is correct or not. (If the team gives the correct answer, the points are added to the group’s score. If the team gives a wrong answer, the points are deducted from their score.) Repeat the process until all answers have been asked and answered correctly or at teacher’s discretion.
Description: Attributed to Jack Maguire, the Competitive Quiz format combines elements of within-team cooperation, between-team competition, and random assignment of points to motivate students.
Application: Use this quiz format for informal assessments and reviews.
Process: Prior to class, make quiz questions based on the relevant topic. Have the questions and a die at the ready on class day. Assign one student as a scorekeeper. Divide students into two or more groups and tell each group to appoint a spokesperson. Ask the first team a quiz question; encourage students of the group to huddle, discuss, and be prepared to answer in fifteen seconds or less. Instruct the spokesperson to give the answer and roll the die to determine the points. Once the die has been rolled, announce if the answer is correct or not. (If the team gives the correct answer, the points are added to the group’s score. If the team gives a wrong answer, the points are deducted from their score.) Repeat the process until all answers have been asked and answered correctly or at teacher’s discretion.
Reference, and/or for more information:
42. Competitive Quiz
Maguire, J. (1990). Hopscotch, hangman, hot potato, and ha, ha, ha: A rulebook of children's games. New York: Prentice Hall Press.
42. Competitive Quiz
Maguire, J. (1990). Hopscotch, hangman, hot potato, and ha, ha, ha: A rulebook of children's games. New York: Prentice Hall Press.