43. LEADER OF MY OWN LEARNING (Feedback, Discussion)
Description: Students keep track of their own learning by keeping a data record and reflecting upon it. “Research shows that when students track their own learning and data, they take ownership of their learning, have intrinsic motivation, and perform better on high-stakes tests.”- Kristine Nannini
Application: Use of a student-generated data tracker with reflection tool allows students to monitor and adjust their learning at any given time.
Process: Explain the purpose of a student data tracker and that it is not optional. At the beginning of the course, remind students to enter data as they receive grades and to comment when needed (improvement strategy or reminder to retest, etc.). To make students accountable, occasionally require students to present tracker for a graded assignment.
Description: Students keep track of their own learning by keeping a data record and reflecting upon it. “Research shows that when students track their own learning and data, they take ownership of their learning, have intrinsic motivation, and perform better on high-stakes tests.”- Kristine Nannini
Application: Use of a student-generated data tracker with reflection tool allows students to monitor and adjust their learning at any given time.
Process: Explain the purpose of a student data tracker and that it is not optional. At the beginning of the course, remind students to enter data as they receive grades and to comment when needed (improvement strategy or reminder to retest, etc.). To make students accountable, occasionally require students to present tracker for a graded assignment.
Reference, graphic, and/or for more information:
43. Leader of My Own Learning
Nannini, K. http://www. Youngteacherlove.com
43. Leader of My Own Learning
Nannini, K. http://www. Youngteacherlove.com