43. P.E.E.R. SEQUENCE FOR TEENS (Reading, Discussion)
Description: Partners are engaged in a multifaceted conversation about a reading, the more complex the reading, the deeper the conversation.
Application: Use this reading skill builder as a dynamic way for students to improve critical thinking and memory skills, which all play a part in building comprehension.
Process: Assign a reading and pair students together. Tell partners to read the selection and follow the directions below:
Prompt your reading partner to say something about the selection by asking a question.
Evaluate your reading partner’s response (e.g.: “Give me some specific examples”, “Tell me more”, or “Try again”).
Expand your reading partner’s response by rephrasing and adding information to it (teach them a new vocabulary word
or concept, for example).
Repeat the prompt to make sure your reading partner has learned from the expansion. Repeat the process so that both
partners participate as “Questioner” and “Responder.”
Model the process before using this protocol so that students are comfortable with their roles
Description: Partners are engaged in a multifaceted conversation about a reading, the more complex the reading, the deeper the conversation.
Application: Use this reading skill builder as a dynamic way for students to improve critical thinking and memory skills, which all play a part in building comprehension.
Process: Assign a reading and pair students together. Tell partners to read the selection and follow the directions below:
Prompt your reading partner to say something about the selection by asking a question.
Evaluate your reading partner’s response (e.g.: “Give me some specific examples”, “Tell me more”, or “Try again”).
Expand your reading partner’s response by rephrasing and adding information to it (teach them a new vocabulary word
or concept, for example).
Repeat the prompt to make sure your reading partner has learned from the expansion. Repeat the process so that both
partners participate as “Questioner” and “Responder.”
Model the process before using this protocol so that students are comfortable with their roles
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
43. P.E.E.R. Sequence for Teens
Kao, A., Opalka, A. (2013). Teen Literacy Corps Workshops Empower L.A. Teens http://www.jewishla.org/koreh-la/blog-entry/koreh-l.a.-teen-literacy-corps-tlc-workshops-empower-l.a.-teens/
43. P.E.E.R. Sequence for Teens
Kao, A., Opalka, A. (2013). Teen Literacy Corps Workshops Empower L.A. Teens http://www.jewishla.org/koreh-la/blog-entry/koreh-l.a.-teen-literacy-corps-tlc-workshops-empower-l.a.-teens/