46. 10 X 10 QUESTIONING STRATEGY (Questioning, Discussion, Collaboration)
Description: Sparking student questioning is at the heart of this simple, but effective protocol. Adapted from an article from Mentoringminds.com, 10 x 10 strategy limits time to promote “thinking focus” when students develop ten questions in ten minutes.
Application: Use 10 x 10 to activate prior knowledge or interest in a topic, after reading or completing a unit of study.
Process: Explain protocol prior to implementation. Display an easy-to-see visual timer set at ten minutes. Instruct students to create ten questions based on the learning in ten minutes. Encourage students to construct a variety of questions from knowledge-based to analysis/evaluation. Encourage quality of questions with “extra credit” enticement for questions used in whole group discussion. At the time-limit, collect work and select questions from submissions and discuss.
Resources and for more information
46. 10 X 10 Questioning Strategy
Berger, W. (2014) Five ways to help your students become better questioners. Edutopia.org
Stobaugh, R. Sparking Student Questioning, Mentoringminds.com
Description: Sparking student questioning is at the heart of this simple, but effective protocol. Adapted from an article from Mentoringminds.com, 10 x 10 strategy limits time to promote “thinking focus” when students develop ten questions in ten minutes.
Application: Use 10 x 10 to activate prior knowledge or interest in a topic, after reading or completing a unit of study.
Process: Explain protocol prior to implementation. Display an easy-to-see visual timer set at ten minutes. Instruct students to create ten questions based on the learning in ten minutes. Encourage students to construct a variety of questions from knowledge-based to analysis/evaluation. Encourage quality of questions with “extra credit” enticement for questions used in whole group discussion. At the time-limit, collect work and select questions from submissions and discuss.
Resources and for more information
46. 10 X 10 Questioning Strategy
Berger, W. (2014) Five ways to help your students become better questioners. Edutopia.org
Stobaugh, R. Sparking Student Questioning, Mentoringminds.com