48. WHICH IS IT? (Discussion, Writing)
Description: “Which Is It?” is an activity that stimulates thinking via decision-making.
Application: Use this activity when students must support decisions they make.
Process: Have a topic that has two “sides,” “positions,” or “categories.” Prior to class meeting, search for meaningful visuals (charts, photographs) that contain supporting clues: two visuals per envelope, an envelope for each group. On class day, pair students. Hand out one envelope per pair and tell them that they will have two minutes to decide the category to which image belongs, describing and recording what is seen first and then discussing which category the visual belongs and why (Addendum below) . After the time allotted, direct students to pass their envelope to the next pair and repeat the process until all pairs have seen all visuals. At that time, review visuals in a whole class setting, display them and allow students to share their findings, emphasizing strong evidences.
Amanda Stanfill, CCECHS
Description: “Which Is It?” is an activity that stimulates thinking via decision-making.
Application: Use this activity when students must support decisions they make.
Process: Have a topic that has two “sides,” “positions,” or “categories.” Prior to class meeting, search for meaningful visuals (charts, photographs) that contain supporting clues: two visuals per envelope, an envelope for each group. On class day, pair students. Hand out one envelope per pair and tell them that they will have two minutes to decide the category to which image belongs, describing and recording what is seen first and then discussing which category the visual belongs and why (Addendum below) . After the time allotted, direct students to pass their envelope to the next pair and repeat the process until all pairs have seen all visuals. At that time, review visuals in a whole class setting, display them and allow students to share their findings, emphasizing strong evidences.
Amanda Stanfill, CCECHS
Reference and/or for more information:
48. Which Is It?
Stanfill, A. (2013). Which Is It? Cross Creek Early College.
48. Which Is It?
Stanfill, A. (2013). Which Is It? Cross Creek Early College.