54. WILL THE WINNER LOSE? (Discussion, Collaboration)
Description: In this review and reinforcement game, negative scoring means that even winners can lose.
Application: Use this game, developed by Education World, as a fun way to review by having student teams compete and/or create the questions and compete.
Process: Prepare two sets of cards, one for questions and one for scoring instructions. Write a review question on each question card. On each scoring card, write a different instruction. (Ex: Earn 100 points/Lose a turn/Take 50 points from the other team/Double total points/Take an extra turn/Earn 50 bonus points/Lose 30 points/Give 50 points to the opposing team, etc.) Arrange students into two or more teams, set the score to which the teams will play and decide which team will go first. Instruct the student to draw a question card and if he answers correctly, to then draw a scoring card. (The scoring command on the card determines the score the student earns for his team.) If the student answers incorrectly, allow the first student on the opposing team who raises his hand to “steal” the question. (A correct answer earns that student the opportunity to draw a scoring card.) Remind students that the design of the game scoring means that a team could conceivably answer all the questions correctly and still lose the game.
Description: In this review and reinforcement game, negative scoring means that even winners can lose.
Application: Use this game, developed by Education World, as a fun way to review by having student teams compete and/or create the questions and compete.
Process: Prepare two sets of cards, one for questions and one for scoring instructions. Write a review question on each question card. On each scoring card, write a different instruction. (Ex: Earn 100 points/Lose a turn/Take 50 points from the other team/Double total points/Take an extra turn/Earn 50 bonus points/Lose 30 points/Give 50 points to the opposing team, etc.) Arrange students into two or more teams, set the score to which the teams will play and decide which team will go first. Instruct the student to draw a question card and if he answers correctly, to then draw a scoring card. (The scoring command on the card determines the score the student earns for his team.) If the student answers incorrectly, allow the first student on the opposing team who raises his hand to “steal” the question. (A correct answer earns that student the opportunity to draw a scoring card.) Remind students that the design of the game scoring means that a team could conceivably answer all the questions correctly and still lose the game.
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
54. Will the Winner Lose?
54. Will the Winner Lose?