6. USING TECH: E-SCRAPBOOKS (Writing, Discussion)
Description: Electronic Scrapbooks, which incorporate technology into the classroom, is an exciting way to get students engaged in the curriculum.
Application: Use the E-scrapbook to hone research skills and to encourage student creativity.
Process: Assign topic(s) to student(s). Tell students to visit various websites about the topic and gather “tidbits” of information that help explain the topic. Remind students that they are allowed to copy and paste text, pictures, audio, backgrounds, clip art, poetry, songs, and video but are limited to only two to three sentences, things that will “wow” the reader. Direct the students to include a bibliography at the end of the E-scrapbook. Allow students to present their scrapbooks to the class.
Reference and/or for more information:
6. Using Tech: E-Scrapbooks
6. Using Tech: E-Scrapbooks