62. ONE WORD SAYS IT ALL (Writing, Feedback)
Description: In this protocol, students summarize the day’s lesson in one word.
Application: Use One Word Says It All as a closing activity.
Process: Tell students to take out a sheet of paper and half it. Ask students to reflect on the day’s lesson or a topic by choosing a word that summarizes it. Direct students to write the word on line one of the half-sheet. Call on one student and ask him to reveal the word and, unless the word is not applicable, have the student flip his half sheet over and write the one word in large print and post it to the board. Inform the entire group that if they had the same word as the student, they should draw a line through the word and think of another word that summarizes the lesson and write the new word on line two. Repeat this procedure acknowledging the challenge of summarization as more students reveal unused words. If the word is questionable, ask the student to justify its use. If it becomes obvious that there are no more usable words, end the activity.
Description: In this protocol, students summarize the day’s lesson in one word.
Application: Use One Word Says It All as a closing activity.
Process: Tell students to take out a sheet of paper and half it. Ask students to reflect on the day’s lesson or a topic by choosing a word that summarizes it. Direct students to write the word on line one of the half-sheet. Call on one student and ask him to reveal the word and, unless the word is not applicable, have the student flip his half sheet over and write the one word in large print and post it to the board. Inform the entire group that if they had the same word as the student, they should draw a line through the word and think of another word that summarizes the lesson and write the new word on line two. Repeat this procedure acknowledging the challenge of summarization as more students reveal unused words. If the word is questionable, ask the student to justify its use. If it becomes obvious that there are no more usable words, end the activity.
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
62. One Word Says It All!
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62. One Word Says It All!
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