64. STAY WHERE YOU ARE…OR…GO! (Discussion)
Description: This is a participatory strategy in which students must discern if a statement is true or false and be prepared to defend their belief.
Application: This is a great warm-up and wrap-up activity in social studies, science, and language arts courses.
Process: Have an event or topic in mind for this activity. Before class meets, determine the number of students within a particular class and create statements on index cards: half of the statements are true and half are false. Shuffle cards and distribute one card per student and direct those with true statements to line up on one side of the room and those with false statements to line up on the other. Ask each student to recite his statement and encourage other students to confirm he is correct by chorally responding “STAY WHERE YOU ARE!” or confirm he is wrong by saying “GO.” For sake of time, arbitrate and direct students where they should be. If all students respond incorrectly, collect the card and post it in the room to remind students of their initial error.
Description: This is a participatory strategy in which students must discern if a statement is true or false and be prepared to defend their belief.
Application: This is a great warm-up and wrap-up activity in social studies, science, and language arts courses.
Process: Have an event or topic in mind for this activity. Before class meets, determine the number of students within a particular class and create statements on index cards: half of the statements are true and half are false. Shuffle cards and distribute one card per student and direct those with true statements to line up on one side of the room and those with false statements to line up on the other. Ask each student to recite his statement and encourage other students to confirm he is correct by chorally responding “STAY WHERE YOU ARE!” or confirm he is wrong by saying “GO.” For sake of time, arbitrate and direct students where they should be. If all students respond incorrectly, collect the card and post it in the room to remind students of their initial error.
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
64. Stay Where You Are . . .Or Go!
Based on True or False? http://www.fctl.ucf.edu/TeachingAndLearningResources/CourseDesign/Assessment/content/101_Tips.pdf