65. DEFENSIBLE DOMINOES (Discussion, Collaboration, Feedback)
Description: Defensible Dominoes game allows a group of students to match question/problem with answer but then to evaluate another group’s answers, thus making the original group “defend” its work.
Application: Use this activity in any subject, especially foreign language and mathematics.
Process: Create questions/problems and answers for students to use. Have green and red tokens (can be made out of paper) handy. Print dominoes from the domino template (Addendum below), question/problem on one end, mismatched answer on the other. Create each set with at least ten to fifteen questions/problems. Group students and instruct them to find the “start” card. Give each group a generous amount of red and green tokens. Tell teams to match questions/problems and answers, forming the chain of dominoes. After a predetermined time, stop students and instruct the groups to go to another group’s domino chain, judging if the chain is correct (place a green token next to the chain) or incorrect (place a red token next to the chain). Repeat process until all groups have judged all chains. At end of activity, reveal the correct chain (can be projected or can be discussed) and discuss if the judging groups were or were not correct.
Description: Defensible Dominoes game allows a group of students to match question/problem with answer but then to evaluate another group’s answers, thus making the original group “defend” its work.
Application: Use this activity in any subject, especially foreign language and mathematics.
Process: Create questions/problems and answers for students to use. Have green and red tokens (can be made out of paper) handy. Print dominoes from the domino template (Addendum below), question/problem on one end, mismatched answer on the other. Create each set with at least ten to fifteen questions/problems. Group students and instruct them to find the “start” card. Give each group a generous amount of red and green tokens. Tell teams to match questions/problems and answers, forming the chain of dominoes. After a predetermined time, stop students and instruct the groups to go to another group’s domino chain, judging if the chain is correct (place a green token next to the chain) or incorrect (place a red token next to the chain). Repeat process until all groups have judged all chains. At end of activity, reveal the correct chain (can be projected or can be discussed) and discuss if the judging groups were or were not correct.
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
65. Defensible Dominoes
Nasser, R. (2013). Defensible Dominoes. Cumberland International Early College.