67. THE FRAYER MODEL (Writing, Feedback)
Description: The Frayer Model is a chart with four sections that includes a section for a definition, some characteristics/facts, examples, and non-examples of the word/concept.
Application: Use this model in both language and mathematics instruction.
Process: Before using this organizer, rehearse with a general term. Hand out a Frayer template to each student (Addendum H) and give students the words or concepts to be examined, as well as the time limits to complete the template. Direct the students to form pairs and share their products with each other, adding or deleting information as necessary. Remind students to bring any unresolved issues to the whole class for discussion.
Description: The Frayer Model is a chart with four sections that includes a section for a definition, some characteristics/facts, examples, and non-examples of the word/concept.
Application: Use this model in both language and mathematics instruction.
Process: Before using this organizer, rehearse with a general term. Hand out a Frayer template to each student (Addendum H) and give students the words or concepts to be examined, as well as the time limits to complete the template. Direct the students to form pairs and share their products with each other, adding or deleting information as necessary. Remind students to bring any unresolved issues to the whole class for discussion.
Reference, graphics, and/or for more information:
67. Frayer Model
67. Frayer Model