40. A MATHEMATICAL WRITING GUIDE (Writing, Feedback, Questioning)
Description: The writing guide for mathematics is a step-by-step formatting structure to support students as they synthesize and apply mathematical concepts.
Application: Use the Writing Guide for guided practice, in-class review, formative assessment, and homework.
Process: Before implementation and assessment, practice procedure with students and have examples for students to see. Instruct students using this step by step process:
1) Paragraph One: Problem Statement
Write answer to this question:
What is the problem about and what am I supposed to find?
2) Paragraph Two: Work Write-Up
Explain step-by-step everything necessary to arrive at the answer.
Starter sentences: First I …… Then I…. Next I…. After that I…. Finally I …
3) Paragraph Three: Answer
Prove that the answer is correct by referring to the math. (Responses that refer to using a calculator or
double checking are not valid.)
Complete the following sentence:
My answer is ___________________________________and it makes sense because________________________________________________________.
Allow students to check each other’s work before turning it in.
Description: The writing guide for mathematics is a step-by-step formatting structure to support students as they synthesize and apply mathematical concepts.
Application: Use the Writing Guide for guided practice, in-class review, formative assessment, and homework.
Process: Before implementation and assessment, practice procedure with students and have examples for students to see. Instruct students using this step by step process:
1) Paragraph One: Problem Statement
Write answer to this question:
What is the problem about and what am I supposed to find?
2) Paragraph Two: Work Write-Up
Explain step-by-step everything necessary to arrive at the answer.
Starter sentences: First I …… Then I…. Next I…. After that I…. Finally I …
3) Paragraph Three: Answer
Prove that the answer is correct by referring to the math. (Responses that refer to using a calculator or
double checking are not valid.)
Complete the following sentence:
My answer is ___________________________________and it makes sense because________________________________________________________.
Allow students to check each other’s work before turning it in.
Reference,graphics, and/or for more information:
40. A Mathematical Writing Guide
Jubinville,L. (2002). Guide For Writing Responses In Mathematics.
40. A Mathematical Writing Guide
Jubinville,L. (2002). Guide For Writing Responses In Mathematics.