Our Present Pursuits: The Six Instructional Strategies: A Framework for all "Newbie Edition"1/7/2018 Please make sure that you are on the correct blog. This is for faculty and staff with less than five years at an early college.
As you are aware, one of our signature elements at Cross Creek is the use of a common instructional framework. While it was originally labeled the "CIF" and later as the "Aligned Instructional Strategies," the overall premise was (and continues to be) the faculty and staff share a common framework/language that guides the school's instructional methodology. The use of the early college instructional framework as the guiding principle of practice has been in use from the beginning. The instructional strategies provide "commonality" of language, implementation, and practice. To be specific, it provides structure for the inherently unique early college setting and promotes sustainability through expectations of use by all faculty. Cross Creek opened in 2005 and, for the most part, the framework within our school has remained stable. What role does the newbie teacher play in sustainability? Students who attend early college may not be ready for the rigors of university work. By providing (as the article reminds the reader) a common instructional framework that requires student to read, write, talk, and most importantly think in class is critical for them to take academic risks and push beyond their comfort zone. While many traditional high schools get students "college eligible," the early college must provide the tools to students so that they are "college-ready" and there is a difference! For information on the Jobs For the Future Common Instructional Framework, click on this Edutopia article "Six Strategies" button to the right. It gives a great overview of the original strategies that Cross Creek employed. In the recent past, there were two major modifications to the strategies. For the current Cross Creek "Instructional Strategies Guide" click on "Strategies Guide" button to the right. Information on the strategies can also be found in the Teacher's Guide given at the beginning of the year. The changes created a much more robust model for teachers to teach and learners to learn. Instructions: Click on the third button to request the "Assignment" template. Using the template and in your own words, create an overview of the six strategies and answer the questions on the second page. Save and send completed overview by January 22, 2018 to [email protected] If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.