Last year I went from consultant to classroom teacher again and I loved every minute of it, but it also meant that I had no time to update this homespun website. I am going to work through the summer to provide more content and to keep lines of communication open. I am also planning to add more protocols (strategies) and revamp the Itty Bitty Book. Lots to do and hopefully, enough time to accomplish these goals.
I have returned to the early college where I first designed the strategies book to assist teachers who worked in the unique setting, but also for the numerous visitors who looked for a consistent academic language. Now, to address the changing needs of education, I will write blog articles based on online learning and other situations that will occur in schools this fall. An example is how to get students to "work together" without working together! Yes, there is a need to reexamine the hows of teaching. Please check back every month for new strategies, protocols, tips and tricks. I remain committed to all things teaching and learning. Fondly, Alison Thetford, M. Ed.
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AuthorAlison Thetford, M.Ed CategoriesPast Posts
January 2025